Blackford Parish Church


An introduction to the church and its activities can be found on the church website at as well much more. You may also want to follow them on Facebook at

Church Services
The Sunday morning service during 2019 is at 11:30am.   Visitors are welcome to attend.  The minister is the Rev Mairi Perkins who can be contacted on 01786 880948 or   The Session Clerks are Sandy Marshall (01764 682354) and Gordon Roy (01764 682356). They can both be contacted using the email address and one of them will get back to you.

Sunday School
All children are welcome to join Sunday School.   The leaders are Shona Stewart (01764-682221) and Laura Peacock.   Children attend the first part of the service at 11.30am and then they have separate activities before returning for the final part of the service.

Blackford Holiday Club
A Holiday Club 2019 will run each morning of the week beginning Monday 11th August. Also, at least one occasion per year when the Primary School has an in-service day, there are activities for the children at the Church. The team is led by Gordon and Jane Roy (01764-682356).

Hot Chocolate Club  
The club meets on the second Friday of the month and is for young people of secondary school age.   The leaders are Gordon and Jane Roy (01764-682356) and Bruce Tarbet.

Blackford Bells
The bell ringing group meets each Wednesday evening in the church hall.