Blackford Improvement Group – BIG


Blackford Improvement Group or BIG for short is in the process of being set up as a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation or SCIO for short.    Once incorporated the organisation will have the following purposes:1. Develop a specific area of land (the park) adjacent to Blackford Primary School currently comprising a small play park with three pieces of play equipment and a large grassed area.2. Develop a safe and inclusive play and recreational space, picnic area and garden space for the enhancement and well-being of the whole community.3. Work in partnership with all relevant agencies to fund-raise, design, procure, deliver and maintain a safe and inclusive play and recreational space, picnic area and garden space.4. Develop other community assets which are for the benefit of Blackford residents.5. The organisation shall seek to provide a supportive role for any person(s) wishing to promote these objects.


Regular updates will be posted here as the project develops.

March 2014 – Public Meeting Held to discuss plans for the proposed improvements being planned for the park adjacent to Blackford Primary School.   At this meeting it was agreed to proceed with plans and reach agreement with Perth & Kinross Council.

August 2014 – General Agreement reached with Perth & Kinross Council that the park adjacent to Blackford Primary School can be improved by the BIG working in conjunction with Perth & Kinross Council.    The whole park is not now to be improved for a number of reasons including the flooding but it has been agreed that the side which runs along Moray Street will be improved.

December 2014 – Following meetings with Perth & Kinross Council an outline plan of the area has been prepared.

February 2015 – It is hoped by the end of February 2015 that we will have some visual drawings etc. that can be posted to allow the community to see the revised plans.    This will then let BIG move on to fundraising with the assistance of Perth & Kinross Council.

May 2015 – We will have a display and information table within the Blackford Primary School Parent Council Marquee at Blackford Highland Games on 30th May 2015.   We will be happy to answer any questions on the day and provide and information you require both about the Park Project and BIG as a whole.

We hope to be in a position to have drawings of the proposed new park in late June which will then be available to view online here and on our own future website together with a Community Consultation Event to be organised in late August 2015.